Corporate Partners
Partner with us to restore the smile of a woman in need and change her life forever.

The oral health industry faces many unexpected challenges as a result of the Coronavirus. Yet, many organizations are staying connected with providers by lending a hand to benefit local communities or the nation. Smiles for Success offers a unique opportunity to be recognized as a sponsor by a national network of volunteer dentists enabling disadvantaged women to pursue jobs in a competitive market further impacted by Covid-19.
Smiles depends on the contributions of businesses and individuals to help deserving women enter or advance in the workforce and then improve our communities. The patient needs range from women in a battered women’s shelter struggling to find a job and establish a life to disadvantaged women to women returning from incarceration struggling to be a productive citizens and neighbors to mothers and divorcees re-entering the workforce. Your contribution will help support this great cause while promoting your business in a new and profitable way.

The SFS Mission Smiles for Success offers cost-free dental care to women graduates of accredited job readiness and placement programs or other community based agencies, thus helping those who are helping themselves. The dental care offered is meant to be a short-term solution to those who need treatment unavailable to them through government programs or traditional insurance as they move from public assistance to the working world. SFS provides an opportunity for the dental community to effectively assist women who are on public assistance confidently obtain employment and financial independence.

Corporate Partnership Program – $10,000 to $25,000
Our Corporate Partnership Program is customizable to fulfill the needs of our corporate partner’s goals. With the help of our Smiles for Success Team create an ala carte plan that fits your needs. Potential benefits include but are not limited to:
- SFS Foundation Partner Logo to be used on your company websites and marketing materials
- Annual company profile article in the AAWD Chronicle Monthly newsletter
- Recognition as a Partner in Smiles for Success marketing campaigns to all registered dentists in the nation.
- Premium recognition at the AAWD Annual Meeting
- Prominent displayed banner on the Smiles for Success website and AAWD Smiles for Success information web page
- Quarterly recognition as a preferred partner in e-blasts to our national network of dentists
Corporate Sponsorship Program – $1,000 to $5,000
Rhodium {$5,000}
- Sponsor Webcast on Facebook and Instagram community with possibility for CE
Flyer advertisement in AAWD annual meeting tote bag and program materials - AAWD distributes your company’s marketing materials at all national industry
meetings attended by SFS and AAWD representatives - Company logo on SFS and AAWD website
- Recognition on the preferred vendor list
- Recognition in posts to social media channels on Facebook & Instagram
- Company logo on e-blasts and social media posts (6 total; 3 of each media type
distributed bimonthly) - Material distribution from SFS booth at the AAWD annual meeting
Platinum {$4,000}
- Flyer advertisement in AAWD annual meeting tote bag and program materials
- AAWD distributes your company’s marketing materials at all national industry meetings attended by SFS and AAWD representatives
- Company logo on e-blasts and social media posts (4 total; 2 of each media type distributed quarterly)
- Material distribution from SFS booth at the AAWD annual meeting
- Company logo on SFS and AAWD website
- Recognition on the preferred vendor list
- Recognition in posts to social media channels on Facebook & Instagram
Gold {$3,000}
- Company logo on e-blasts and social media posts (2 total; 1 of each media type to
be distributed biannually) - Recognition in posts to social media channels on Facebook & Instagram
- Company logo on SFS and AAWD website
- Material distribution from SFS booth at the AAWD annual meeting
- Recognition on the preferred vendor list
Silver {$2,000}
- Recognition in posts to social media channels on Facebook & Instagram
- Company logo on SFS and AAWD website
- Recognition on the preferred vendor list
- Material distribution from SFS booth at the AAWD annual meeting
A la Carte
- Sponsor a patient…………………………………………………………………………………….$1,000
- Sponsor a dentist……………………………………………………………………………………….$300
- Sponsor a procedure (crowns, bonding, dentures)………………………………….variable
- Make an individual donation
- Sponsor Transportation……………………………………………………………………………..$100